A Bit of Diversity

As most of you know from visiting my website, it is obvious that I love to
paint animals and most especially horses. Even though I like to sometimes
try other subjects I am always excited when I see a beautiful horse and
usually can’t wait to begin the painting. I was lucky enough to take many
pictures of these gorgeous creatures performing in the ring during the
Lexington Jr. League Horse Show. So having these images at my fingertips
really made it tempting to begin another horse painting, however I thought I
would try something a little different. I happened to find this photo while
looking through my reference pictures. It is a place that brings back many
wonderful memories and holds a special place in my heart. Just like many
of my other paintings, this one has a story to tell and I’d like to share it with you.
This is a painting of a barn that is located in Tennessee on the quiet
side of the Smokey Mountains, in a small town called Townsend. This isn’t
just any barn, but it is a barn that allows Scotty and I to bring our two trail
horses to the mountains to trail ride and to have a place for them to stay.
They are comfortable in the barn while we enjoy a beautiful cabin in the
mountains. When we visit this special place we can enjoy many hours of
trail riding over some of the most beautiful trails that anyone can imagine.
Our first visit there was an unforgettable time. Loaded with two horses and
all our supplies, we drove into the mountains winding and turning and
thinking we would never reach our destination. The tiny road right before
we reached the barn had a switchback that was unbelievable. Two of the
wheels on the trailer left the ground as we rounded the steep turn. It was a
bit scary, but we continued on. At times we both thought that the truck was
surely not going to be able to pull the trailer up the steep mountain loaded
with our two horses. When we finally reached the barn and unloaded the
horses, we were not the only ones amazed. Both of our calm saddle horses
came prancing out of the trailer, ears forward, and snorting with each
breath. They didn’t know where they were and it was frightening for them
as well. However soon they became relaxed and learned to make this barn
their home while we enjoyed a fabulous vacation.
During the day we would trailer them to the Institute of Tremont where
we would ride for hours along the Middle Prong River. This is a gorgeous
place to ride with waterfalls and scenery that is absolutely unbelievably
beautiful. So many people love this spot. Hikers and visitors walk along the
trails. Trout fishing up and down the river is a familiar sight along with
photographers adjusting their cameras on tripods to capture every inch of
this little piece of paradise. Flowers, trees, ferns, and beautiful rock
formations make this area a spectacular place to visit. A triple waterfalls
adorns one side of a hidden cliff. You can’t ride your horse to the falls.
However after once arriving close to the area by horseback, your horse can
be tied to a tree limb while you carefully navigate through a rough and
rocky pathway. After turning a sharp steep bend there it is in all its glory!
The fall’s beauty absolutely takes your breath away!
After returning from seeing this gorgeous falls and putting the horses in
their stalls, Scotty and I headed back up the path to our cozy little cabin.
We turned around and looked back and this painting is what I saw. I knew
that I wanted to remember this forever, and what better way than a
Now I can see this little bit of heaven every day. It is a beautiful
memory of a wonderful time spent with my husband riding in the scenic
mountains of Tennessee.