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It’s Our Anniversary!

Well it’s hard to believe, but as of March 31st, my website,,

will have been live for 1 year. Needless to say this has been a year

full of learning and challenging experiences!

As many people know, especially my family, when all of this began I knew

very little about business or websites, but I did know that I wanted to paint

and I needed a venue for displaying and selling my art. I also realized a

website could be the answer. Finding someone to develop and maintain

the site was a problem. Who would take on this difficult task? Then to my

surprise, my youngest son, Kurtis, a business graduate, said that he would

take on the challenge. I was thrilled beyond words that this dream was

finally going to happen! He told me that this would be his first attempt at

developing a website, but he wanted to give it a try. I would be his guinea

pig! Well that worked for me!

Within a couple of weeks, Kurtis had the website up and the gallery open

and ready for purchases. He developed a site easy for anyone to use. The

paintings are placed in the gallery for viewing, making it very simple to

order prints and make payments. I’ve visited other artist’s sites and many

aren’t set up to view and order without having to make a phone call or send

an email. Having this ability is a huge plus in the right direction. I love what

he has been able to accomplish. Kurtis has presented me with new

challenges and has helped me to learn a great deal.

One of the challenges came the day that he told me if I had a website I

would need a blog. My first question to him was, “What is a blog?” This in

itself tells you how little I knew about the entire process. I had no idea how

to even begin. So he gave me some ideas, I did a little research, and from

there it began. I have been pleasantly surprised with the creation of each

entry. Most of the time I have a topic to write about because I am

constantly painting and new situations arise. However Kurtis sees and post

everything, so he will send me ideas from time to time. Surprisingly these

thoughts come my way just when I feel stuck or in need of an idea. He

sends me great suggestions for ways to reach out to the public. I couldn’t

ask for a better manager.

Not only do I have help with the website from Kurtis, but my oldest son

Matthew, helps me as well. He does my scanning and

printing for me at The UPS Store. He maintains and organizes my files making

them easily available. Matthew is also great at submitting applications and jpeg

files for upcoming shows. I complete a work of art, send it to him, and he scans,

prints, and saves the image for me. They are readily available when needed. He does

a fantastic job with all my printing and mailing needs. So I really do have

the best of both worlds.

Not only do my two sons help me, but my Facebook followers are the best!

I love reading the wonderful comments and ideas from each of you. I have

also met many new friends and have heard from acquaintances that I have

not seen or talked to for years because life has gotten in the way. I love

hearing from each of you and reading your comments and ideas. I see

people in the grocery and they tell me how much they enjoy the website.

Many did not know that I painted, but said they saw it on Facebook!

Hearing from you is my inspiration. For all of this, I thank you!

Even though a website requires a little extra effort, the rewards far

outnumber the work required. Now I feel like I can continue painting while

having the added opportunity to share and sell what I have created. I no

longer have to find another venue for making this happen.

You are probably asking with all this help what is left for me to do? Well

writing the blogs takes a little preparation each week, and I am responsible

for that. However, I do think that I have the best job of anyone! I get the

opportunity to do what I love! PAINT! So if it were not for Kurtis, Matthew,

and my website followers, Fine Art by Kathy Wood would not be celebrating

its one year anniversary. It would only be an idea with no beginning, a

thought without a plan, a dream and nothing more. I truly appreciate all of

their help and am so thankful for your continued support. What a fantastic

team we have created! I am so thankful and truly blessed!

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