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Kentucky Visions at the Capitol: Fifty/50

In 2015-2016 the Kentucky Arts Council will celebrate its 50th anniversary.

For the past nine years this council has hosted exhibits in our Capitol

Annex in Frankfort, Kentucky. This exhibit has taken place for the past

nine years and is usually only open to KY. Crafted Participants or Al Smith

Individual Artist Recipients. However this year for 2016 they wanted to do

something a little different. So the artists from these programs along with

artist from the first 50 years were polled for nominations to participate. To

my surprise I was one of the artists nominated!

Before being selected I was asked to read the full exhibit prospectus with

all its detail and then apply. I could submit up to 4 pieces of art to be

considered. I felt very honored to be selected but would not know the

results until the end of November. Finally on November 20 I received the

email letting me know the results.

I’m very excited to say that one of the three submitted works of art was

selected for the exhibit. This original artwork titled “Heads Up” will hang in

the Capitol Annex from January 5 through April 22, 2016.

I was told that this original painting

would hang in the Annex on the 2, 3, or 4th floor or possibly in one of the


I appreciate this invitation and it is a privilege and honor to be a part of this

exhibit and this great celebration of 50 years!

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