The Magi Art Show Results
I posted earlier in a blog that I would be attending the Magi Art Show in
Morehead, Kentucky. I am happy to say that I did attend the show with
Rosemary, a very special friend and talented artist. We spent a day with
other artist in and around the Morehead area. It was fun seeing all of the
wonderful art and visiting with others that enjoy painting as much as we do.
Each year there are demonstrations by fellow artist and this year was no
exception. One artist shared her pastel painting skills with us. This was
really tailored for me because it was a painting of a horse. Another artist
completed a landscape in oil with a palette knife. This was particularly
interesting because I’ve completed a couple of paintings using a knife but
find it to be quite difficult. There is not much control with this type of work
and it forces the artist to be loose and to free up their work. Often this
quality is what many artists strive for, myself included. After watching this
demonstration I really wanted to give this another try.
I regret to say that I did not bring home a blue ribbon. I find that most years
this proves to be a very difficult show. With over 300 entries it always is
interesting to see how the judges rank the paintings. So I try to attend the
show with the mindset that it’s a time to learn and if I can bring home any
ribbon at all I feel fortunate.
So I am proud to say that I did receive two ribbons which I will hang proudly
with the paintings. The first was an honorable mention for a favorite of
mine called, “Playday”. This is the painting of Kasper (my horse) and
Kowboy (my husband’s horse) playing in the snow. I was also fortunate
enough to receive a 3rd place for the large abstract sunflower. I love this
painting too because this flower grew in the back field on the farm along
with what seemed like a million other beautiful blooms, however it was the
special one selected to be painted. Both of these paintings were shown to
you in their beginning stages and they now are featured in the gallery.
So even though I didn’t bring home the blue I’m glad that I attended. I
always look forward to preparing new paintings for next year’s show. I will
be sure to share these with you.