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Bundle of Joy


Not only do I love to paint horses and dogs, I also love painting birds. Before the birth of my grandson, Kaleb , I decided that I wanted to paint something for his nursery. I looked through several reference photos trying to make a decision about what to paint. Then a thought came to me. What about a stork bringing a baby? Even though this is an idea that all of us have seen many times, I felt as though I might be able to bring something exclusive and painterly to the canvas. Painting a stork would be a new subject for me, and perhaps a unique learning experience as well. I wanted to give it a try. After planning the composition and making some changes, the final idea was determined. Each painting begins with a drawing and this one was no different. I wanted to try to portray some bumps and lumps bulging from inside the cloth. Hopefully this would make it appear as though the stork was carrying a newborn. The next step was to determine the medium to be used. I thought this composition would work well in oil. So from that idea I began the painting. Each time I painted I became more and more excited for the baby’s arrival. Finally I finished and framed the painting and it was hung in the nursery waiting for the birth of the new baby. Soon after on February 28, 2013, a beautiful little brown-eyed bundle of joy joined our family. He was named Kaleb Scott. The original oil painting hangs in his nursery today. Perhaps you have a grandchild or know of someone that might be expecting a bundle of joy. If so I hope you will remember this painting for their nursery.

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